About Us
Dr. Adam Baker, MD is a practicing Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT Specialist) in Grand Junction, CO and is board-certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology. Dr. Baker practices both cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery for patients of all ages. His philosophy is that proper care is tailored to the individual, and that “one-size” never fits all. We want our patients to look and feel refreshed, but without that “you had something done look”.
Our patients come first and we pride ourselves on nurturing the relationships that we have with our patients, making them feel comfortable every time that they step through our doors. Dr. Baker specializes in Facial Plastic Surgery so you can trust him to give you the best results for your cosmetic or reconstructive plastic surgery.
Dr. Baker moved to the valley in 2015 with his wife, Dr. Katie Mckee-Cole. He and his wife enjoy the outdoor activities that the Grand Valley has to offer. When not working, you may find he and his wife skiing, mountain biking, backpaking or hiking a 14er.
Grand Mesa Plastics accepts multiple insurance plans including Aetna, Medicare, and Cigna.